It’s two weeks until the walk. We’re approaching 30 sign-ups for the day with more promises to come through. If each individual/family is able to raise £100 in sponsorship then we could raise nearly £2,000 toward the £10,000 total.

Easier said than done, right? Look, this fundraising lark is much more difficult than I could ever have imagined. Seriously, it’s caused sleepless nights. But it was never meant to be easy. £100 raised in sponsorship, £50, £25, whatever, is money that we have to work hard at. We have to ask friends, colleagues, family and tap into your networks. Without your support, we won’t ever hit that big target.

I’ve been living with leukaemia for 10 years and I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve been through things that have been tough both mentally and physically. What I’ve learnt is that there are brilliant people out there diagnosing, treating and supporting people with the devastating diagnosis of a blood cancer. The money raised will be going right back into the system and ensure that we are even better at diagnosing and supporting.

I know it’s a pain and I recognise that asking for a charitable donation or sponsorship is completely awkward. There are 650 people diagnosed every year with my leukaemia (CML). Blood cancer is the third biggest cancer killer behind lung and bowel cancer. That moment of awkwardness could potentially save a life. That’s why I’m writing this and gritting my teeth through the awkwardness.

So sponsor me:

Or join us, walk 10 miles with us:

Thank you, Kris

P.S. Thank you to the Worcester News and the Kidderminster Shuttle for their support of the #Kris10 walk.